Articles in negative sentences
positive sentence | negative sentence |
Indefinite articles - for quantities we can count | |
Il a un frère He has a brother Il a une sœur He has a sister Il a des enfants He has some children | Il n'a pas de frère He doesn't have a brother Il n'a pas de sœur He doesn't have a sister Il n'a pas d’enfant He doesn't have any children |
Partitive articles (some/any) - for uncountable quantities | |
Il y a du café There is some coffee Il y a de l'eau There is some water Il y a des problèmes There are some problems | Il n'y a pas de café There isn't any coffee Il n'y a pas d'eau There isn't any water Il n'y a pas de problèmes There aren't any problems |
• After c’est the articles don't change form in negative sentences.
C’est de la viande, ça ? Mais non, ce n’est pas de la viande, c’est du soja ! -Is that meat? -No, it's not meat, it's soybean!
C'est un tableau de Renoir ? Non, ce n'est pas un tableau de Renoir, c'est un tableau de Matisse. -Is that a Renoir painting? -No, it's not a Renoir painting, it's a Matisse.
- Tu aimes le foot ? - Non, je n'aime pas le foot. -Do you like football? -No, I don't like football.

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