Questionable bans
Alcohol: But what are we supposed to put in our breakfast cereal?Tobacco: Is there any conclusive science about its danger?
Books: Those antiques? Just don't touch our phones.
Spanking: Should be limited to consenting adults.
Cursing: About f*cking time.
To ban (pants): to forbid or prohibit (pants)A ban (on bikinis): an interdiction, a prohibition (of bikinis)
Ex: Oh “Gang Ban”? I thought you said “Gang Bang”. I'll get dressed.
Bans in the news
30+ countries have banned the Boeing 737 Max jet after 2 major crashes.Following a deadly mass shooting, New Zealand has banned assault rifles.
The Maduro government has banned international aid to Venezuelans.
Not fans of the third ban.
Things that could be banned
Mondays: Just a thought.TYPING IN ALL CAPS: Why is everyone on the internet yelling?
US intervention in Latin America. So far, so bad.
Human Cruelty: No one is tired of this yet?

To ban (pants): to forbid or prohibit (pants)A ban (on bikinis): an interdiction, a prohibition (of bikinis)
Ex: Oh “Gang Ban”? I thought you said “Gang Bang”. I'll get dressed.
Bans in the news
30+ countries have banned the Boeing 737 Max jet after 2 major crashes.Following a deadly mass shooting, New Zealand has banned assault rifles.
The Maduro government has banned international aid to Venezuelans.
Not fans of the third ban.
Questionable bans
Alcohol: But what are we supposed to put in our breakfast cereal?Tobacco: Is there any conclusive science about its danger?
Books: Those antiques? Just don't touch our phones.
Spanking: Should be limited to consenting adults.
Cursing: About f*cking time.
Things that could be banned
Mondays: Just a thought.TYPING IN ALL CAPS: Why is everyone on the internet yelling?
US intervention in Latin America. So far, so bad.
Human Cruelty: No one is tired of this yet?
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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