Blasting idioms
At full blast: at maximum level. Ex: What explosion? I was listening to Metallica at full blast.A blast from the past: A powerful reminder of the past. Ex: Mr. President, your casual misogyny is a blast from the past.
To have a blast: To have a lot of fun. Ex: I had a blast at your party, it was totally worth catching Covid.
A blast: an explosion; a strong, sudden movement of air.To blast: to attack vigorously or damage.
Also: to strongly criticize.
Also: to play music loudly.
Blast!: "Damn!" for posh British people.
Blasts in the news
This month, a massive blast struck Beirut, causing extensive damage and killing over 180.Who’s to blast for this blast? Terrorists? Syria? Israel? Russia? Turkey? Yanks?
Nope, fertilizer.
Blasts from the past
Chernobyl: Your blast was small, but your legacy is forever.Hiroshima: The blast to end all blasts. Apart from Nagasaki 3 days later.
The Big Bang: One of the rare blasts that created rather than destroyed.

A blast: an explosion; a strong, sudden movement of air.To blast: to attack vigorously or damage.
Also: to strongly criticize.
Also: to play music loudly.
Blast!: "Damn!" for posh British people.
Blasts in the news
This month, a massive blast struck Beirut, causing extensive damage and killing over 180.Who’s to blast for this blast? Terrorists? Syria? Israel? Russia? Turkey? Yanks?
Nope, fertilizer.
Blasting idioms
At full blast: at maximum level. Ex: What explosion? I was listening to Metallica at full blast.A blast from the past: A powerful reminder of the past. Ex: Mr. President, your casual misogyny is a blast from the past.
To have a blast: To have a lot of fun. Ex: I had a blast at your party, it was totally worth catching Covid.
Blasts from the past
Chernobyl: Your blast was small, but your legacy is forever.Hiroshima: The blast to end all blasts. Apart from Nagasaki 3 days later.
The Big Bang: One of the rare blasts that created rather than destroyed.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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