Earthshaking Facts
Earth rhymes with birth and worth, as well as 2011 Oscar winner Colin Firth.Quake rhymes with bake, cake, and lake. All more pleasant than earthquakes.
Earth (noun): the ground or soil; the third planet from the sun.Quake (verb): to shake or tremble.
Earthquake (noun): a sudden, violent shaking of the Earth's surface due to seismic activity.
Notable Earthquakes
Sendai, Japan (2011): featuring Tsunami and Nuclear explosions. Sometimes an Earthquake is not enough.Haiti (2010): 160,000 dead according to non-Haitian sources. 300,000 dead according to Haiti. Weird brag, Haiti.
Sumatra, Indonesia (2004): caused 30-meter waves, and 1cm vibration of planet Earth. Not good vibrations.
Earth is one of the only planets believed to support life. Martians strongly disagree.Quake was a popular video game. The goal is to shoot and kill monsters with a shotgun, an American tradition.
“I felt the Earth move” - useful phrase after an intense sexual experience or an 8.9 magnitude earthquake.

Earth (noun): the ground or soil; the third planet from the sun.Quake (verb): to shake or tremble.
Earthquake (noun): a sudden, violent shaking of the Earth's surface due to seismic activity.
Notable Earthquakes
Sendai, Japan (2011): featuring Tsunami and Nuclear explosions. Sometimes an Earthquake is not enough.Haiti (2010): 160,000 dead according to non-Haitian sources. 300,000 dead according to Haiti. Weird brag, Haiti.
Sumatra, Indonesia (2004): caused 30-meter waves, and 1cm vibration of planet Earth. Not good vibrations.
Earthshaking Facts
Earth rhymes with birth and worth, as well as 2011 Oscar winner Colin Firth.Quake rhymes with bake, cake, and lake. All more pleasant than earthquakes.
Earth is one of the only planets believed to support life. Martians strongly disagree.Quake was a popular video game. The goal is to shoot and kill monsters with a shotgun, an American tradition.
“I felt the Earth move” - useful phrase after an intense sexual experience or an 8.9 magnitude earthquake.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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