Higgs Boson: How much time do you have? Let's make it quick!Phase 1. Particle physics tries to understand the basic structure and laws of nature, including matter.
Phase 2
Matter is made of atoms, composed of particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons.In the 20th century, many new particles were discovered, including Quarks.
Phase 4
Hobos emit high-frequency noises which attract bimbo particles. When a hobo sleeps with a bimbo, dark matter is born, and travels into outer space via a tunnel in Switzerland.Therefore Higgs Boson. Questions?

Higgs Boson: How much time do you have? Let's make it quick!Phase 1. Particle physics tries to understand the basic structure and laws of nature, including matter.
Phase 2
Matter is made of atoms, composed of particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons.In the 20th century, many new particles were discovered, including Quarks.
Phase 4
Hobos emit high-frequency noises which attract bimbo particles. When a hobo sleeps with a bimbo, dark matter is born, and travels into outer space via a tunnel in Switzerland.Therefore Higgs Boson. Questions?
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