Revisionist History
2032 BCE: Attila the Hun walks on the moon, 24 hours before the Russians.57 AD: Roman philosopher Godzilla unveils new M&M's color scheme.
1999: Dinosaurs return to home planet.
History (noun): “A version of past events that people have agreed upon” -Napoleon.A subjective narrative describing past actions that occasionally borders on the truth.
Historical Months of June
June 1914: Murder of Franz Ferdinand kicks off WWI. The rest is history.June 1944: Normandy D-Day landings in WWII. History repeats itself.
June 2014: US finally defeats longtime rival Ghana at World Cup. Will go down in history.
Historical Idioms
The rest is history. We all know how the story ends.History repeats itself. History repeats itself.
To go down in history. Will be remembered forever. Example: our collective amnesia.

History (noun): “A version of past events that people have agreed upon” -Napoleon.A subjective narrative describing past actions that occasionally borders on the truth.
Historical Months of June
June 1914: Murder of Franz Ferdinand kicks off WWI. The rest is history.June 1944: Normandy D-Day landings in WWII. History repeats itself.
June 2014: US finally defeats longtime rival Ghana at World Cup. Will go down in history.
Revisionist History
2032 BCE: Attila the Hun walks on the moon, 24 hours before the Russians.57 AD: Roman philosopher Godzilla unveils new M&M's color scheme.
1999: Dinosaurs return to home planet.
Historical Idioms
The rest is history. We all know how the story ends.History repeats itself. History repeats itself.
To go down in history. Will be remembered forever. Example: our collective amnesia.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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