Marches in the News
8/3 International Women’s day: March for women’s rights. It hasn't been a good17/3 St. Patrick’s Day: Irish march against sobriety. Usually ends in a crawl.
24/3 March for Europe (in Rome). The EU turns 60. Happy birthday Europe! Your present? Britain leaves in 2 years.
March in the News
In an unexpected turn of events, March followed the month of February. Scientists predict it could well be followed by April.The world is still in shock.
Marching Orders
Women, Irish, Europeans, gingers, swingers, greens, queens, refugees, beavers, divas, albinos, Albanians, salamanders and pigeons:MARCH with us!

March in the News
In an unexpected turn of events, March followed the month of February. Scientists predict it could well be followed by April.The world is still in shock.
Marches in the News
8/3 International Women’s day: March for women’s rights. It hasn't been a good17/3 St. Patrick’s Day: Irish march against sobriety. Usually ends in a crawl.
24/3 March for Europe (in Rome). The EU turns 60. Happy birthday Europe! Your present? Britain leaves in 2 years.
Marching Orders
Women, Irish, Europeans, gingers, swingers, greens, queens, refugees, beavers, divas, albinos, Albanians, salamanders and pigeons:MARCH with us!
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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