Wunderbla online German lessons have been rated 4.6 / 5 by 7002 users.
5/5 Emmanuel left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Im Brummi"
5/5 Lisa left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Leben als Gemälde"
4/5 Vincent left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Ski, Schnee & St. Moritz "
5/5 BV Luc left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Wär' ich ein Mann..."
5/5 Florence left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Leben als Gemälde"
5/5 NATHALIE left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Heute bin ich blond"
5/5 Montserrat left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Wortkunst: Käsekuchen"
5/5 Kate left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Horror im Kino"
4/5 Jean left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Stefan saugt Staub"
4/5 Mat left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode " Online auf der Toilette"
5/5 suzanne left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Die zerbrochene Vase"
5/5 Elena left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Sigi in der Stadt"
5/5 Monica left a rating on 2024/11/10 for the episode "Ein wackeliges Fundament"
5/5 Juliana left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Weihnachten in Dresden"
4/5 Tim left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Berlin, Berlin!"
5/5 Pascale left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Einen Anwalt, bitte!"
5/5 Lucia left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Liebe und Leid"
4/5 Cecilia left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Warum mag jeder Internet?"
5/5 Andrew left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Trinkgeld für Sigi"
4/5 Emmanuel left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Im Goldrausch"
5/5 Alexandru left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Die zerbrochene Vase"
4/5 Claes left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Guten Appetit"
5/5 Florencio left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Die goldenen Toiletten"
5/5 BV Luc left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Guten Appetit"
5/5 Simone left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Das Schnarchkonzert"
4/5 Timothé left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Freundschaft"
5/5 Martin left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Die magische Pille"
5/5 Marie-Hélène left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Ein Geist im Hotel"
5/5 Sylvie left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Küchengeheimnisse"
5/5 Véronique left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Tim und der leere Kühlschrank"
4/5 Natalie left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Küchengeheimnisse"
5/5 Raymond left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Im Brummi"
5/5 James left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Der Brandenbutt Garten"
5/5 Juliana left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Verloren im Internet"
5/5 Galyna left a rating on 2024/11/09 for the episode "Gurko und die Liebe"
5/5 Vera left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Magdas Auge"
4/5 Darek left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Anna das Arbeitstier"
5/5 Ariana left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Weihnachten in Dresden"
5/5 Alexandru left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Die zerbrochene Vase"
5/5 Florence left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Vatertag zusammen"
5/5 Nadine left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Darf ich Sie duzen?"
4/5 Marc left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Mücken und freie Liebe"
4/5 Alexandre left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Bei Feueralarm"
4/5 Pascale left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Verlorenes Gepäck"
5/5 Cyrille left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Der Brandenbutt Aufzug"
5/5 Bernard left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Küchenmusik"
5/5 Annie left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Berlin, Berlin!"
5/5 Andrew left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Fragen an Betty"
5/5 Martin left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Wo ist die Rechnung?"
4/5 Rémy left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Heute bin ich blond"
5/5 Vera left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Im Goldrausch"
5/5 Kai Yin left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Schlechte Bewertungen"
5/5 Jean-Yves left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Die magische Pille"
4/5 Akiko left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Von Arzt zu Ärztin"
4/5 Martine left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Picknick zusammen"
5/5 Miklós left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Fernsehabend bei Oma Betty"
4/5 Fernando left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Szenen aus einem Restaurant "
5/5 Hans left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Bettys Ausflug"
4/5 Alex left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Stumm"
5/5 Suzette left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Friss, Vogel, oder stirb!"
5/5 Michael left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse"
5/5 Claudine left a rating on 2024/11/08 for the episode "Pils und Pilz"
4/5 Mark left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Straßenkunst"
5/5 Florence left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Schmetterlinge im Bauch"
5/5 Andrew left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Ein Lied für Betty"
5/5 Pascal left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Freundschaft"
4/5 Emmanuel left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Johanna, die Giraffe "
4/5 Tim left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Die zerbrochene Vase"
5/5 Florence left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Ein wackeliges Fundament"
5/5 Zornitsa left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Ein wackeliges Fundament"
4/5 Ana left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Von Kopf bis Fuß"
4/5 Claes left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Sklaven der Musik"
5/5 Bernard left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Szenen aus einem Restaurant "
4/5 Yanick left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Wo ist die Rechnung?"
4/5 Benoit left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Ein Mann von Welt"
5/5 Micheline left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Sigi geht einkaufen"
4/5 Bruno left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Leo der Löwe"
5/5 Raymond left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Pils und Pilz"
5/5 Carlos Eduardo left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Hände hoch!"
5/5 Kate left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Annas Beschwerdeliste"
4/5 Ewa left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Küchengeheimnisse"
5/5 Martin left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Vergesslicher Gast"
5/5 Paris left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Horror im Kino"
4/5 Mary left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Annas Beschwerdeliste"
5/5 Jaime left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Pistolen und Pistazien"
5/5 Marcelo left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Verloren im Internet"
4/5 Alex left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Ohne Orientierung"
5/5 Ariana left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Grüße vom Oktoberfest"
4/5 Aftab left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Gurko und die Liebe"
5/5 Claudine left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Hedy und Werner"
5/5 Galyna left a rating on 2024/11/07 for the episode "Gurko und das autonome Fahren"
5/5 FILIPPO left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Beethoven "
5/5 Yulia left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Ohne Führerschein"
4/5 Guillaume left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Wettstreit der Düfte"
5/5 Sipke left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Eine ungewöhnliche Reservierung"
5/5 Alexandra left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Ohne Führerschein"
5/5 Marie-Hélène left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Wenn ich Zeit hätte..."
4/5 Philippe left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Hut und Jeans"
5/5 Smail left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Bring mir mein Essen!"
4/5 Martin left a rating on 2024/11/06 for the episode "Tim und der leere Kühlschrank"