Fun Facts
Scandals are embarrassing for the parties involved, but very good for the media that covers them.Scandal rhymes with:
Candle (object burned for light or heat),
Handel (German dude who wrote nice music),
Vandal (barbarian tribe that enjoyed breaking stuff).
Scandal (noun): A controversial, immoral and often corrupt incident that offends the public; a disgraceful action or event.Noteworthy Scandals
• The Bettencourt Affair (bribery of French politicians)• The Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal
• Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme
• The lack of high-speed wifi at this café
Don't confuse “scandals” with:
Sandals: Flat shoes worn on the feet during the summer. Ugly feet can be scandalous though.Stendhal: French realist author known for The Red and the Black. His work never caused any scandals.
Pandas: Okay, it doesn't really sound like “scandals”, but they are scandalously cute.

Scandal (noun): A controversial, immoral and often corrupt incident that offends the public; a disgraceful action or event.Noteworthy Scandals
• The Bettencourt Affair (bribery of French politicians)• The Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal
• Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme
• The lack of high-speed wifi at this café
Fun Facts
Scandals are embarrassing for the parties involved, but very good for the media that covers them.Scandal rhymes with:
Candle (object burned for light or heat),
Handel (German dude who wrote nice music),
Vandal (barbarian tribe that enjoyed breaking stuff).
Don't confuse “scandals” with:
Sandals: Flat shoes worn on the feet during the summer. Ugly feet can be scandalous though.Stendhal: French realist author known for The Red and the Black. His work never caused any scandals.
Pandas: Okay, it doesn't really sound like “scandals”, but they are scandalously cute.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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