Don’t confuse Spy with:
Spider: 8 legs, 8 eyes. Spins webs. Would make a good spy.Spine: Backbone or vertebrae. Some politicians lack it.
Spice: Pepper, paprika, Girls, etc. He who controls the spice, controls the universe.
A spy: a secret agent tasked with obtaining intelligence or information.To spy: to observe secretly.
To spy (land): To see or recognize (land from far away).
Spying in the News
This month, the cold war reheated in England as an ex-Russian spy was poisoned, likely by a current Russian spy.Meanwhile, former spy chief Vladimir Putin earned a 4th term as Russian president. What a fresh face!
Lastly, Facebook stands accused of spying on its clients, divulging user data.
Who's spying on you?
Your phone: Why does this Sudoku app need our location?Your browser: Remember when cookies were innocent and delicious?
Your microwave: Just to personalize your popcorn profile.
Your social media: We suggest deleting your Facebook profile, after sharing this of course.

A spy: a secret agent tasked with obtaining intelligence or information.To spy: to observe secretly.
To spy (land): To see or recognize (land from far away).
Spying in the News
This month, the cold war reheated in England as an ex-Russian spy was poisoned, likely by a current Russian spy.Meanwhile, former spy chief Vladimir Putin earned a 4th term as Russian president. What a fresh face!
Lastly, Facebook stands accused of spying on its clients, divulging user data.
Don’t confuse Spy with:
Spider: 8 legs, 8 eyes. Spins webs. Would make a good spy.Spine: Backbone or vertebrae. Some politicians lack it.
Spice: Pepper, paprika, Girls, etc. He who controls the spice, controls the universe.
Who's spying on you?
Your phone: Why does this Sudoku app need our location?Your browser: Remember when cookies were innocent and delicious?
Your microwave: Just to personalize your popcorn profile.
Your social media: We suggest deleting your Facebook profile, after sharing this of course.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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