The passé composé
La semaine dernière, j'ai commencé à apprendre le français. commencer, passé composé Last week, I started to learn French.
manger → j’ai mangé manger, passé composé to eat → I ate
dormir → tu as dormi dormir, passé composé to sleep → you slept
tomber → nous sommes tombé tomber, passé composé to fall → we fell
Here are some examples of how to form the past participle:
-é | -u |
aller → il est allé he went, he has gone | vouloir → il a voulu he wanted |
tuer → il a tué he killed, he has killed | pouvoir → il a pu he was able to |
voir → il a vu he saw, he has seen | |
venir → il est venu he came, he has come |
-i | others |
finir → il a fini he (has) finished | avoir → il a eu he had |
sortir → il est sorti he went out | dire → il a dit he said |
dormir → il a dormi he slept | faire → il a fait he did, he made |
être → il a été he was, he has been |

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