Don’t confuse Trump with...
Tramp (UK): A homeless person.Donald says: “Go be homeless somewhere else.”
Tramp (US): A promiscuous woman.
Donald says: “You can stay, dear.”
Donald says: “Deport those to Mexico.”
Trunk: Elephants use theirs to trump.
Donald says: “Go home, you fat grey terrorists.”
To trump: To defeat, overwhelm or win.A trump card: A winning card; an asset or resource used to gain an advantage.
Ex. When it comes to outrageous comments, Donald can’t be trumped.
Trump in the News
In what many desperately hope is a cruel April fools’ joke, billionaire Donald Trump will likely represent Republicans in the 2016 US Presidential elections.Sometimes money trumps common sense.
Trump’s hand of cards
♣ Clubs to threaten opponents♦ Diamonds in bank account
♠ Spades to build giant wall
♥ Hearts. Questionable if he has one...
Can anyone trump Trump?
Your call, America.

To trump: To defeat, overwhelm or win.A trump card: A winning card; an asset or resource used to gain an advantage.
Ex. When it comes to outrageous comments, Donald can’t be trumped.
Trump in the News
In what many desperately hope is a cruel April fools’ joke, billionaire Donald Trump will likely represent Republicans in the 2016 US Presidential elections.Sometimes money trumps common sense.
Don’t confuse Trump with...
Tramp (UK): A homeless person.Donald says: “Go be homeless somewhere else.”
Tramp (US): A promiscuous woman.
Donald says: “You can stay, dear.”
Donald says: “Deport those to Mexico.”
Trunk: Elephants use theirs to trump.
Donald says: “Go home, you fat grey terrorists.”
Trump’s hand of cards
♣ Clubs to threaten opponents♦ Diamonds in bank account
♠ Spades to build giant wall
♥ Hearts. Questionable if he has one...
Can anyone trump Trump?
Your call, America.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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