Tu vs. vous
Tu is the informal form of 'you', used with family, friends, children, or other people of the same age. The verb tutoyer tutoyer, présent means 'to address someone using the tu form'.
Est-ce que tu aimes mes pieds, chéri ? Do you like my feet, darling?
S'il te plaît, maman, écoute-moi. Please, Mom, listen to me.
S'il te plaît, maman, écoute-moi. Please, Mom, listen to me.
Vous is the formal form of 'you', used with strangers, elderly people, and when we're talking to people in a professional context (at least to begin with). The verb vouvoyer vouvoyer, présent means 'to address someone using the vous form'.
Est-ce que je peux vous aider, madame ? Can I help you, madam?
Monsieur, vous avez l'heure s'il vous plaît ? Do you have the time please, sir?
Monsieur, vous avez l'heure s'il vous plaît ? Do you have the time please, sir?
Note :
• Before you start using tu with someone, it's best to ask them.
• Before you start using tu with someone, it's best to ask them.
Est-ce qu'on peut se tutoyer ? Can we call each other 'tu'?
Cela vous dérange si on se tutoie ? Do you mind if we call each other 'tu'?
Cela vous dérange si on se tutoie ? Do you mind if we call each other 'tu'?
• Vous is also the plural form of 'you', even when talking to two or more people we know well.
Vous êtes tous très sympathiques. You're all very nice.

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