The imperative
The imperative tense is used for giving orders or instructions, giving advice and forbidding.
Écoute-moi ! Listen to me!
Prenez la première rue à droite. Take the first street on the right.
Ne parle pas fort ! Don’t raise your voice!
Prenez la première rue à droite. Take the first street on the right.
Ne parle pas fort ! Don’t raise your voice!
There are only three cases (or subject pronouns) used in the imperative: tu, nous, and vous. It generally follows the conjugation rules of the present tense, without using the subject.
entrer en
(tu) entre
(nous) entrons
(vous) entrez
(nous) entrons
(vous) entrez
venir en
(tu) viens
(nous) venons
(vous) venez
(nous) venons
(vous) venez
faire en
(tu) fais
(nous) faisons
(vous) faites
(nous) faisons
(vous) faites
Note: For verbs ending in -ER, we remove the -s in the tu form.

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