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Android DevelopmentDesign DevelopmentiOS DevelopmentWhat we do

Emiltonia is the medical direction app allowing tracking newborns’ development via connected devices through Bluetooth and obtaining statistics for both – midwives and parents, with the option to compare data of individual chart data with the WHO Graph in order to identify the deviations from the norm.


Swift Kotlin Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL DO Rest API

  • Creating separate clinics and the related staff (by franchising model).
  • Logging all actions in the admin panel.
  • Full app control via admin panel: users, weighing data per each hilde, database, logs per each action and per the related clinic.
  • Work with 2 types of Bluetooth scales.
  • View statistics of the child development in comparison with the corresponding data of the World Health Organization on a chart.
  • Shared access to a child’s card with relatives and midwives.
  • Access management system to children’s card.
  • Manage and set up the required type of the Bluetooth scales.
